We're rebuilding your state page
Did you know foster care runs differently in every state?
The team is working to pull together information that will help you navigate foster care in your state and access all the resources you're entitled to.
Check back soon!
Resources in your state
Ombudsman (Complaints)
Education: College / Higher Ed
Foster Advocates, a young Minnesota nonprofit, recently drafted and helped pass a ground-breaking bill through the Minnesota legislature. This bill...
Ombudsman (Complaints)
Minnesota does not have an Ombudsman at this time. Here are the ways to complain in Minnesota: #1 In Minnesota the best way to make a complaint is by...
Independent Living Program
There is a National fund of money, through the John H. Chafee program, that provides money to each State and Tribe to ensure current/former foster...
Health care
Medicaid is basic health insurance that is available to foster youth or former foster youth who are eligible. The information provided should help you...
If you don't find what you're looking for, or if there's info that should be listed here, contact us.
Health Care for Former Foster Youth
Did you know that young people from foster care have access to free Medicaid after they turn 18 through their 26th birthday? Qualification to access Medicaid is NOT dependant on employment or education status.